Western Sicilian (in Palermo, Trapani, Central-Western Agrigentino)
Central Metafonetica (in the central part of Sicily that includes some areas of the Provinces of Caltanissetta, Messina, Enna, Palermo and Agrigento)
Southeast Metafonetica (in the Province of Ragusa and the adjoining area within the Province of Syracuse)
Ennese (in the province of Enna)
Eastern Nonmetafonetica (in the area including the province of Catania, the second largest city in Sicily, and the adjoining area within the Province of Syracuse)
Messinese (in the province of Messina)
Isole Eolie (in the Aeolian Islands)
Pantesco (on the island of Pantelleria)
Southern Calabro (in southern and central sections of Calabria)
Southern Pugliese (also called Salentino, and reportedly a dialect of Sicilian on the peninsular section of Apulia)
★托斯卡纳方言(Tuscia dialect ,本语言是最接近标准意大利语的语言之一,但是本语言仍然和标准意大利语有差别)
☆翁布里亚方言(Umbrian dialects)
★翁布里亚方言(Umbrian dialects)
★Castelli Romani dialect