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意大利会话谚语 P

时间:2011-03-29来源:互联网  进入意大利语论坛
核心提示:Paese che vai, usanza che trovi. English translation: The country you visit, the customs you find. Idiomatic meaning: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Pane al pane, vino al vino. English translation: To call bread bread and wine wine. Idi

Paese che vai, usanza che trovi.
  English translation: The country you visit, the customs you find.
  Idiomatic meaning: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
  Pane al pane, vino al vino.
  English translation: To call bread bread and wine wine.
  Idiomatic meaning:To call a spade a spade.
  Patti chiari, amicizia lunga.
  English translation: Clear agreements make for good friends.
  Più che le parole persuadano gli esempi.
  English translation: Actions speak louder than words.
  Prendere due piccioni con una fava.
  English translation: Kill two birds with one stone


热门TAG: 意大利会话 意大利谚语
