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时间:2011-03-29来源:互联网  进入意大利语论坛
核心提示:A rubar poco si va in galera, a rubar tanto si fa cariera. English translation: Steal a little, go to jail; steal a lot, make a career of it. A tutto c' rimedio, fuorch alla morte. English translation: There is a cure for everything except

A rubar poco si va in galera, a rubar tanto si fa cariera.
  English translation: Steal a little, go to jail; steal a lot, make a career of it.
  A tutto c'è rimedio, fuorchè alla morte.
  English translation: There is a cure for everything except death.
  Acqua cheta rovina i ponti.
  English translation: Silent waters run deep.
  Acqua passata non macina più.
  English translation: That's water under the bridge.
  Aiutati che Dio t'aiuta.
  English translation: Help youself and God will help you.
  Idiomatic meaning: God helps those who help themselves.
  Al bisogno si conosce l'amico.
  English translation: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  Al contadino non far sapere quanto è buono il formaggio con le pere.
  English translation: Don't let the farmer know how good cheese is with pears.
  Ama il prossimo tuo come te stesso.
  English translation: Love thy neighbor as thyself.
  Ambasciator non porta pena.
  English translation: Don't shoot the messenger.
  Amico di tutti e di nessuno e tutt'uno.
  English translation: A friend to all and a friend to none is one and the same.
  Avere le mani in pasta.
  English translation: To have a finger in the pie


热门TAG: 意大利会话 谚语
