这堂课很简单,所以我们再拓展一些!我喜欢: Mi piace+单数/动词原形, Mi piacciono+复数我不喜欢: Non mi piace 用法同上 Mi......
词汇:correre [v.] 跑步On the other hand, if you dont likesomething you say Non mi piace.当你不喜欢某事,你说Non mi p......
视频地址:http://v.qq.com/page/w/q/s/w0195nkfxqs.html字幕Hi everyone. Today im going to teach youyou like or dislike ......
视频地址:http://v.qq.com/page/w/o/m/w01958rivom.htmlHi guys and welcome back to my channel.大家好!欢迎回来!Today i......
So lets sum up.总结一下。Buongiorno 早上好 [中午12点之前]Buon pomeriggio 下午好 [下午1点-6点]Buonasera 晚上好 [下午6......
So you can also say for example Buongiorno to aperson that you come across along the way. Itsnormal to say it even if yo...
From 1 p.m. until lets say 6 p.m.,you say Buon pomeriggio.下午1点到6点,你说下午好。Then from 6:30/7 p.m. to 8 p.m., ......
视频地址:http://v.qq.com/page/f/5/s/f01950k8d5s.html字幕Hello guys and welcome back. Today its reallyreally hot. So ......
回顾一下这节课!c'和ci sono可以用于呈现某物或是描述物体的位置。C':后面跟单数名词C' una persona in cas......
词汇:gente [s.f.] 人Now I have an exercise for you. You haveto fill in the gaps and you can write youranswers in the......
词汇:frigo [s.m.] 冰箱mela [s.f.] 苹果 复数为meleBut in Italian, you say c' molta gentenel negozio. In english ......
词汇:penna [s.f.] 笔tavolo [s.m.] 桌子While the plural form ci sono is usedwith plural nouns. For example, ci sonodu......
视频地址:http://v.qq.com/page/c/a/a/c0195btuwaa.html字幕Hi guys and welcome to my channel. TodayI'm going to ex......
我们现在可以用定冠词了!IliLogliLaleFor example, give me the book i was reading yesterday.In Italian, you would say, ......
词汇:sedia [s.f.] 椅子There are lo and gli. gli is theplural form of lo.还有一个比较特殊的是lo和gli。gli是lo的复数形......
词汇:cane [s.m.] 狗If you have a feminine noun for examplesedia, you would say la sedia.如果是阴性单数名词,用la。举......
视频地址:http://v.qq.com/page/l/z/o/l0195fqm1zo.html字幕Hello there and welcome to have oneanother Italian lesson wi......
词汇:sia...che... 既...也...Quindi in entrambi casiabbiamo il nipote e la nipote.所以在两个情况下,我们都要根据所指......
词汇:una coppia 一对Ovviamente ci sono poi i nonni,il nonno e la nonna.当然,还有祖父母,爷爷:il nonno,奶奶:la non......
词汇:lessico [s.m.] 词汇riferimento [s.m.] 关于(和英语中reference同义)Iniziamo dai genitori che sonola madre o anc......