-English translation: A good cask makes good wine-Cambiano i suonatori ma la musicasempre quella.-English translation: T...
-English translation: The dog that barks doesn't bite.-Idiomatic meaning: His bark is worse than his bite.-Casa ......
-English translation: A goodstart is half the battle-Chi cento ne fa, una ne aspetti.-English translation: What goesarou...
-English translation: Seek and you shall find.-Chi di spada ferisce di spada perisce.-English translation: He who livesb...
-English translation: Who sleepsdoesn't catch fishes.-Idiomatic meaning: The early birdcatches the worm.-Chicaus......
-English translation: He who hascreated his own evil cries over the same.-Idiomatic meaning: He who has madehis bed must...
-English translation: He who works byhimself does the work of three (people).-Idiomatic meaning: Do it yourself ifyou wa...
-English translation: Those who act makemistakes; and those who do nothing really blunder.-Chi ha avuto ha avuto e chi h...
-English translation: Make haste slowly.-Chi ha moglie ha doglie.-English translation: A wife means pains.-Chi lava il c...
-English translation: He who scrubs thehead of an ass wastes his time and efforts.-Chi non fa, non falla.-English transl...
-English translation: A man withouta wife is a man without a master.-Chi non risica, non rosica.-English translation: No...
-English translation: Those who makethemselves sheep will be eaten by the wolf.-Chi pi sa, meno crede.-English translati...
-English translation: He who firstdoes not think breathes his last.-Idiomatic meaning: Look before you leap.-Chi sa fa e...
-English translation: God helpsthose who help themselves.-Chi tace acconsente.-English translation: Silencegives consent...
-English translation: Those whoarrive late lodge poorly.-Chi trova un amico trova un tesoro.-English translation: He who...
-English translation: He who goessoftly, goes safely; he who goes safely, goes far.-Idiomatic meaning: Slowly but surely...
-English translation: You can'tmake something from nothing-Dai nemici mi guardo io, dagliamici mi guardi Iddio!-......
-English translation: Give Caesarwhat belongs to Caesar.-Idiomatic meaning: Give creditwhere credit is due.-Del mal...
-English translation: Graves arefilled with after-the-fact wisdom.-Idiomatic meaning: Hindsight is 20/20 vision.-Detto f...
-English translation: God save us fromthe enriched poor and from the impoverished rich.-Dopo la pioggia viene il bel tem...